
Pandata: The scalable open-source analysis stack

Pandata is a fully open source, high-performance, modern Python data-analytics stack usable in any scientific, engineering, or analytical domain.


Are you limited by your domain’s software stack?

Every scientific or engineering discipline has its own computing needs. Many such disciplines have developed entirely separate sets of tools for:

These stacks are largely tied to outdated architectures and assumptions:

It’s all just data – time for a better way!

Pandata: the scalable open-source analysis stack

Instead of your outdated stack, use modern Python data-science tools that are:

But I don’t do data science, you say? You do! Data science is what’s shared across lots of disciplines; it’s not just for AI and ML (though it supports those well too!)

What is Pandata and why do I need it?

Pandata is just a name for a specific collection of Python libraries maintained separately by different people. Pandata libraries are designed to work well with each other to achieve the goals listed above (being scalable, interactive, etc.). You don’t need Pandata for anything other than to know which libraries are designed to work well together in this way. Just use any library from Pandata and be happy, knowing that if you need something covered by one of the other libraries, you can use them together without jeopardizing scalability, interactivity, and so on.

Who runs Pandata?

Pandata is just this informational website set up by the authors of some of the Pandata tools; there’s no management or policies or software development specifically associated with Pandata. But if you have questions or ideas about what to do with Pandata, feel free to open an issue on our Github repo for discussion!


There are lots of examples online of applying Pandata libraries to solve problems, including:

See the Pandata paper from SciPy 2023 for all the details, and then just download and use any of the packages in Pandata in any combination and enjoy having all this power at your fingertips!